Information pursuant to § 5 DDG

European Bitcoin Energy Association (EBEA) e.V.
Alfred-Nobel-Straße 9
86156 Augsburg

Tax number: 103/108/10903


Jointly authorized to represent:

  1. Chairman

Mark Morton
c/o Alfred-Nobel-Straße 9
86156 Augsburg

  1. Chairman

Rachel Geyer
c/o Alfred-Nobel-Straße 9
86156 Augsburg


Register court District Court Augsburg
Registered under number: VR 202805

VAT-Identificationnumber pursuant to § 27a UstG: DE###

Content responsible party in the sense of § 18 Abs. 2 MStV

European Bitcoin Energy Association (EBEA) e. V.
c/o Alfred-Nobel-Straße 9
86156 Augsburg